Semestre d'échange au département informatique
Venir en échange au département (Français) (English)
Venir à l'Insa Lyon (Français) (English)
Information for incoming exchange students INSA Lyon IF
Course choice:
You can find all courses offered for exchange students here:
If you do not find enough courses in English you can also do a research project of 4, 6, 10 or 30 ECTS credits.
This project is done individually and should be supervised by a professor of the IF departement.
The subject and modalities have to be defined in consultation with the professor.
In some cases, if your French level is sufficient, you may chose additional courses from the IF departement:
But this should be verified with the responsible professor and/or student exchange advisor.
You may select maximum 2 courses per semester (and max. 40% of credits) from a different (minor) departement.
The Humanities departement only offers the French civilization course and a tandem course for exchange students.
More information:
Contact FLE (Français Langue Étrangère):
For information on sports classes contact:
You have to validate your course choice with your home university and then with the exchange student advisor of the IF departement at INSA Lyon.
Then you will be registered officially to the courses by the IF administration, and you will find the list of your courses here:
Time table:
Your personal time table will be available in your calendar (zimbra) or on ADE ( or on the INKK mobile application.
You can check the timetables with all the modules of the 3 years here:
This can be useful to check if you have any clashes.
Time table clashes:
It is very common for exchange students to have several courses in the same time slot.
This should be avoided as much as possible by chosing the courses accordingly.
For practical exercice sessions (travaux dirigés TD or travaux pratiques TP) the students are separated in 4 groups. You may want to change the group, for the whole course or just once, if you have a time table conflict.
In any case, contact the responsible professor of the modules to inform him/her about the situation.
Grades and transcripts:
You can consult your grades on:
Official transcripts are available after the juries.
Transcripts are sent in digital format.
IST Semester
The "Information Science & Technology Semester" is a program jointly organized by three engineering departments of INSA Lyon (Telecommunication Department (TC), Computer Sciences and Engineering Department (IF), Electrical Engineering Department (GE)) in collaboration with three research laboratories (CITI, CREATIS, LIRIS). This program targets foreign students in their last year of Bachelor. Information Science and Technology (IST) are present in our every day lif. It concerns a large field of knowledge and know-how :
- Multimedia processing
- Communication through voice, sound and images
- Huge data base access
- Distributed services and uses
- Network for information transmission
- Internet, Web services
- Wireless mobile telecommunications
- Broadcasting information - radio and TV
For more information, please visit the Telecom department website!